Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM)

The Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM) is designed to support people where high levels of risk have been identified and a multi-agency approach would be beneficial. It brings together senior professional representatives from multiple agencies including the emergency services, health and social care to identify what needs to be done to reduce the risk. The professionals meet once a month to discuss multiple people. They will then decide if a review meeting is needed to manage the ongoing concerns.

MARM does not replace statutory adult safeguarding. It is a framework for managing risk where the concerns do not come from a third party and the person is able to protect themselves, but they remain at risk. The referring agency needs to demonstrate that they have exhausted all strategies to reduce the risk before considering referring to MARM.

Concerns that would meet the threshold for MARM

  • vulnerability factors requiring pro-active prevention and protection measures to reduce the risk of escalation to a safeguarding response
  • on-going needs or behaviour, placing the person and/or others at significant risk
  • self-neglect including hoarding and concerns around fire safety where the person is able to protect themselves
  • refusal or disengagement from care and support services where person is at significant risk without support
  • noncompliance with medication or not adhering to treatment advice where this leaves the person at significant risk of harm
  • complex or diverse needs, which either fall between statutory responsibilities or eligibility criteria, or span a number of agencies. For example, risks from the impact of neurodivergence, mental health, substance misuse or care leavers who are not eligible under the Care Act 2014 but present with vulnerabilities
  • risks previously addressed via a section 42 enquiry but for which the need for ongoing risk management and monitoring has been identified 
  • repeated concerns around suicide risk and self-harm where this intersects with other risks and cannot be managed by secondary mental health services alone
  • where the person is unable to maintain stable accommodation

How to make a referral to MARM

If you are concerned about a person due to high levels of risk which haven’t been able to be reduced, you can call Care Connect.

Care Connect

Your concern will be triaged to see whether MARM is the appropriate pathway to support this person. If MARM is the right pathway to support the individual, your agency will be contacted to complete a referral form and may be asked to attend a MARM meeting.

Your responsibilities if your agency is referring to MARM

  • provide evidence that the risk has reached an unmanageable level and that different strategies have been tried (such as care management, multi-disciplinary team meetings etc) to reduce the risk but it remains unmitigated 
  • provide evidence that the person has mental capacity in relation to the risk
  • get the person’s view on their situation and include this in the referral form
  • let other agencies that are involved know a referral to MARM is being made
  • provide sufficient information at the initial MARM meeting to allow for consideration of risk and needs

The MARM process

1. person identified to be at high level or risk

2. if not emergency, referrer contacts Care Connect

3. Care Connect record concern and forward to the Single Point of Access (SPA) team to triage.

4. SPA decide if concern meets the threshold for MARM

5. MARM process is initiated

6. initial MARM meeting discusses multiple cases with all partner agencies. The MARM coordinator will chair this meeting. The partner agencies identify and agree immediate actions for a risk management plan. They then decide if a further review meeting is needed and agree on the relevant agencies to support the person to progress the situation

All partner agencies that have signed up to MARM are expected to attend the initial MARM meeting.

7. if a review meeting is agreed, the MARM team convenes review meeting

8. the review meeting reviews the actions from the risk management plan and decides if there are any new risks. The MARM coordinator chairs this meeting and takes minutes

9. if the risks remain high and unmitigated, the individual will be referred back to the initial MARM meeting for guidance from attendees regarding how best to proceed

10. if agreed by all agencies that no further action is possible, this decision will be clearly recorded and authorised by MARM

Resources for professionals