Learning and development resources

Introduction to Safeguarding Adults

Please see our introduction to Safeguarding Adults prior to your attendance at our Safeguarding Adults awareness training.

North Somerset Council introduction to safeguarding adults

Learning and development pathway

We use the Bournemouth University Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm Framework to set the levels for our Safeguarding Adults recommended learning and development pathway. 

In includes the following courses:

  • Safeguarding Adults Alerter half day course - level 1
  • Safeguarding Adults Coordinators introductory training - level 2 (social workers and council staff)
  • Safeguarding Adults Coordinators Update training half day refresher - level 2 (social workers and council staff)
  • Safeguarding Adults Care Providers Agencies - level 2 (multi-agency)
  • domestic abuse
  • modern slavery
  • Safeguarding Adults Learning and Development Forum for Providers (for those responsible for learning and development in their organisations)
  • Mental Capacity Act Making Everyday Decisions - level 1 half day awareness raising
  • Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberties in Practice - level 2
  • Prevent

How to book

To book a course, you will need to set up an account with CPD online. 

Multi-agency audits

Our Quality and Performance sub-group frequently carry out multi-agency audits. 

A summary of the key findings, learning points, and recommendations from these audits are available to review. 

Learning resources