If you are a professional and are concerned about someone you know or in your care, please use the referral form to raise an adult safeguarding concern. Submit your completed form to care.connect@n-somerset.gov.uk.
If you are a professional and are concerned about someone you know or in your care, please use the referral form to raise an adult safeguarding concern. Submit your completed form to care.connect@n-somerset.gov.uk.
Alternatively, anyone can call our Care Connect service directly to raise a concern, make a referral or to seek further guidance.
In an emergency please ring 999 and ask for the police.
Out of hours and weekends
Safeguarding adults reviews (SARs) are a statutory requirement for safeguarding adults boards (SABs). We will arrange a SAR:
The SAR will review whether partner agencies could have worked better to protect the adult.